Saturday, November 1, 2008

End of Session 2008

There are few things that i have not accomplish for this term. First to be way ahead in preparation for class, actively guide students in developing their self concept and doing my own personal project for education.

Guiding students is my major concern. I wish to openly talk to students about universal values propound by Islam. Islam is not a relegion per se. It is a way of life. It brings blessing to all, muslim and non muslim. Something had hinder me from touching about the subject. It is not about others. It is within myself. I will amend this before the holiday begin dan start with a new energy for 2009.

These students are all bright. They have the potential to be a good teacher. They can be a good "murabbi" but they have to be guided to do that. They need to be trained for that.

Yes! my students i will do this! I will offer an extra discussion session for this with all the needed training for us to be better human being. I will see who will seek to be with me and who will avoid me!

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