Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Class in 2008

It is quite for sometime that i've not been here. This year i've handle a few subjects/modules. From January to June i had module SEN for UH program and CALL for UITM program. For July till November, I'm handling Creative Mathematics and Introduction to Research for UH program and CIE for TESL UiTM program.

Currently i'm finishing CM and CIE modules and will be starting Introduction to Research after Raya.

SO stay tune


anwarjauhari said...

"Currently i'm finishing CM and CIE modules and will be starting Introduction to Research after Raya."

-what is that CM, and CIE?
starting introduction to research, wow i take that subject this sem, do you teach this subject or what?

Abu Ahmad said...

yes i'm teaching the subject ...